50 recent changes in Personalpages Web retrieved at 22:20 (Local)

The ALICE Time Projection Chamber The current TPC: * The TPC general paper: follow this link * An excellent lecture by Jens (2013): TPC upgrade: * the Te...
* Detector paper: "The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC" ALICE Collaboration, 2008, 259 pages JINST 3 (2008) S08002 DOI: 10.1088/1748 0221/3/08/S08002 * ALICE ...
SilviaMasciocchi * Name: Silvia Masciocchi * Email: s.masciocchi #64;gsi.de * Company Name: EMMI and GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH, D...
Fits to determine the hadron contamination in inclusive spectra Please follow this link Some more detailed helper for Michael (March 2016) * Instructions on t...
HFE, Heavy Flavor hadron decay Electrons HFE papers * Inclusive analysis in proton proton collisions @ 7 TeV publication link, arXiv, HepData, ALICE figure re...
The first measurements done in ALICE are based on the so called 'cocktail' method, which is described in very big detail in the first publication listed above (in...
For his bachelor thesis, Lukas Layer did an important work of testing of the KF vertexing package, and developed a unit test for the validation of software for ve...
Heavy flavor physics This is my main field of physics interests. My work in ALICE: HeavyFlavorElectrons HadronicDecays PartialSecondaryVertexReconstruction KFwork...
Personalpages Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Personalpages web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in ., an...
Somewhat Old Links * Physics * HFE * TWiki at GSI * HFE in 7 TeV pp * Page on aliceinfo * TWiki at CERN ...
Since late spring 2014, we are discussing the possibility to measure the production of beauty hadrons via the partial reconstruction of their secondary decay vert...
ROOT Homepage: http://root.cern.ch/drupal/ The ROOT tutorial from the GridKa school: http://wiki.scc.kit.edu/gridkaschool/index.php/ROOT_Tutorial Jens' ROOT tut...
Literature: KF vertexing package 1) I. Kisel, I. Kulakov and M. Zyzak Standalone First Level Event Selection package for the CBM experiment IEEE Trans. Nucl. S...
My links: * My home page * My activities * bgfd edit
ALICE's Personalpages web
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" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
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" else="ALICE's Personalpages web"}% /Personalpages
Number of topics: 25

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Topic revision: r1 - 2014-05-27, AdminUser
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