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* Seminar by Erik Heijne (16.06.2016): "Silicon detectors: 60 years of innovations" link * Historic review of trackers for heavy ion physics: From streamer cha...
Principles of RICH detectors E. Nappi, "RICH detectors", 8th ICFA Instrumentation School in Elementary Particle Physics: CERN EP 99 149 Chapter 18 in Handboo...
Drift chambers Blum, Rolandi basic book bu not easy to read *
Opportunities with ALICE at GSI Students Opportunities exist for bachelor, master and doctoral theses at any time. For detailed information please contact * Dr...
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ALICE Research at GSI ALICE Experiment Posters about ALICE experiment and collaboration Drawing of the ALICE experiment ALICE publications ALICE Publications T...
WS 2016 2017: Master seminar Particle tracking and identification at high rates Modus operandi: * 6 ECTS credit points == 180 hours of your work * includ...
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ALICE is one of the four big experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is dedicated to the investigation of the nucleus nucleus collisions. The a...
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