Drift chambers
Blum, Rolandi - basic book bu not easy to read
TPC literature:
ALICE TPC Technical Design Report,
Technical Design Report for the Upgrade of the ALICE Time Projection Chamber,
ALICE TPC design and performance
ALICE TPC tracking performance,
PhD thesis, Michael Knichel
ALICE TPC design and dE/dx,
PhD thesis, Alexander Kalweit
ALICE TPC design and space charge distortions,
Diploma thesis, Ernst Hellbär
talk with animation by Magnus Mager, see
25 years of TPCs,
CERN courier article by Spencer Klein
Evolution of detectors for heavy-ions,
Presentation by Luciano Musa; it contains an historical overview about TPCs
ALICE TPC dE/dx plot, particle data group
BOS micomegas TPC R&D -
Frankfurt TPC Lectures (2015) and seminars:
Alice TPC internal notes under preparation:
- TPC gain calibration as function of position"
- presentation: http://aliqatpc.web.cern.ch/aliqatpc/SeminarsAndLectures/PIDseminar/PerPadGainCalibration_24022015.pdf
- TPC dEdxx calibration and transfer function
- Signal cration, signal shape and ion tail correction
TPC distortion: Run1
Generic gas detector material:
Diffusion and space point resolution (25.11.2016)
h2. Literature
- Blum, Rolandi, Riegler
- TPC performance paper - chapter 11
- Alice TPC point resolution
- CHEP -2003 - TPC tracking and intrisic resilution - https://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0306108.pdf
- TPC TDR for Run3 - space point resolution conisideration using GEM readout
h3. Content
- Introduction
- The drift of Electrons and Ion in Gases (BRR)
- An equation of motion with friction
- Microscopic picture (BRR)
- Drift of electrons
- Drift of ions
- Coordinate measurement andfundamental limits of accuracy (BRR)
- Example derivation of the resolution formula angular effect and difusion contibution (CHEP+Performance)
- Consideration concerning choice of the Drift chamber gases (BRR 12.1)
- Choice of gas pressure (BRR 12.5)
Handson ?
- Compare space point resolution for different gas and B field choices
- simple formulas:
- diffusion
- Angular effect
- Effect close to the Wires
- Show limitation for ALICE TPC, resp CLIC TPC
- make analysis TPC pt resolution
- Parameters:
Tracking presentation and material:
Literature: Kalman filter for the tracking: Fruhvirth
http://ac.els-cdn.com/0168900287908874/1-s2.0-0168900287908874-main.pdf?_tid=d5126b60-b17b-11e6-b05d-00000aab0f01&acdnat=1479905789_36d5425ed0e199a924d57ffe9e4c3b65 *OFFLINE tracking: TPC tracking - proceeding from CHEP 2003 (MI):
http://inspirehep.net/record/621229 combined tracking:
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900206008126 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168900206008126 HLT tracking: celuar automaton:
https://cds.cern.ch/record/1605120?ln=fr hough transfor:
Kalman lectures: http://stanford.edu/class/ee363/lectures/kf.pdf Intrudutction to kalman in
Derivation of simle Kalman with visualization:
https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rmf25/papers/Understanding%20the%20Basis%20of%20the%20Kalman%20Filter.pdf Comparing different tracking strategies: https://www.physik.uni-heidelberg.de/c/image/exp/f/highrr/Kisel_HD_12.04.2016.pdf Performance: AliCE PPR
ALICE - Performance paper 2014:
Alice tracking talks:
MarianIvanov - 21 Nov 2016