This wiki thing is so strangely designed... Let's try to insert a link:
ROOT home page
It is currently not possible to see what files are present on different xrootd
clusters of GSI, unless one has the right to login on the machines. The
following application allows to browse the file servers through the xrootd client
admin interface.
Needed files: TDirXroot.h contains the actual application. To run it, you also
need a list of hosts to scan. Some such lists are already attached here. Don't
forget to provide the correct port for accessing lxfs51 and other local file
servers with non-default xrootd port. Provide a list of real file servers, not the
How to use it:
note The interface can be changed according to user requests.
You need to know which directory you want to start from (it's not possible to
go higher than this directory). On the gsiaf cluster it
is possible to give just the top level "/". On the AliEn SE, you can't start
from "/", but have to specify an existing directory - see ... for details.
Some examples:
Note, that once you have displayed the directories in the browser, functions
ExportToFile() and PrintHosts() are available in the context menu (by
right-clicking the directory icon).
A known "problem":
If you see an error message like
"Srv err: Unable to locate /AliMC/sma/v4-05-08/charm_test/; No such file or
Troubleshooting: If it seems not to work, check the servers in the list. If, on
on of the servers, xrootd process got killed, the browser can't connect there and
keeps retrying.
Ignore it, it just means that this directory is not present on one of the file
servers in the list. It should only appear once per directory, and not be
displayed again for the sub-directories.
AnnaKreshuk - 05 Feb 2008