ALICE: The detectorALICE: TPC particle identification pp 13 TeVALICE: matter anti-matter mass differenceALICE: track pointing resolution at vertexALICE: TPC particle identification Pb-Pb 2.76 TeVALICE: TPC particle identification Pb-Pb 2.76 TeVALICE: Particle densities vs. centrality Pb-Pb 5.02 TeVALICE: Energy dependence of charged particle densitiesALICE: Direct photons Pb-Pb 2.76 TeVALICE: Particle yields and elliptic flow vs. pT Pb-Pb 2.76 TeVALICE: Femtoscopic radii vs. charged particle multiplicityALICE: Dimuon invariant mass pp 7 TeVThe CERN accelerator complexALICE: Average pT vs. charged particle multiplicityALICE: Omega to pion ratio vs. charged particle multiplicityALICE: A Central Pb-Pb collision at 2.76 TeVALICE: A low multiplicity pp 7 TeV eventALICE: A high multiplicity pp 7 TeV eventALICE: Charmonium in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisionsALICE: Ratio of pT-spectra in multiplicity bins pp 13 TeVALICE: The nuclear modification factorALICE: The nuclear modification factor of J/psiA QCD phase diagramALICE: Particle identification with TOF detectorALICE: Particle identification with TRDALICE: Centrality determination in Pb-Pb 2.76 TeVALICE: Elliptic flow in p-Pb collisions at 5.02 TeVALICE: Energy dependence of the elliptic flowALICE: Inner detectors tomography (photon conversions)ALICE: Particle yields in Pb-Pb: data vs. thermal modelALICE: Time sequence of Pb-Pb bunches measured with ZDCALICE: Neutron dissociation in peripheral Pb-Pb 2.76 TeVGroup picture: Huettenseminar, Hirschegg (2015.06)Group picture: Teambuilding, Darmstadt (2015.03)Group picture: Huettenseminar, Riezlern (2014.06)Group picture: Odenwald (2013.07.09)Group picture: Opel Ruesselsheim (2012.04.24)Group picture: Expresionismus on Mathildenhoehe (2011.01.21)