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ALICE@GSI alumni Staff and technicians Yiota Foka staff Ulrich Frankenfeld staff Helmut Oeschler staff scientist Anton Andronic ...
Contact ALICE at GSI Group leader Prof. Dr. Silvia Masciocchi Group members List of group members and their contact information Phone 49 6159 71 ...
ALICE events at GSI Dates Title Links 2015.06.22 26 ALICE week at GSI ALICE matters, indico (protected) Regular meetings * NQM / EMMI semina...
ALICE@GSI group members Group leader Silvia Masciocchi s.masciocchi@gsi.deKBW 5.03 49 6159 711489 Staff Technicians ✝Rudolf Bock Pe...
Opportunities with ALICE at GSI Students Opportunities exist for bachelor, master and doctoral theses at any time. For detailed information please contact * Dr...
ALICE Research at GSI ALICE Experiment Posters about ALICE experiment and collaboration Drawing of the ALICE experiment ALICE publications ALICE Publications T...
ALICE@GSI theses Habilitation Dr. habil. date university manuscript Anton Andronic 2015 05 TU Darmstadt Experimental and phenomenological inves...
ALICE is one of the four big experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is dedicated to the investigation of the nucleus nucleus collisions. The a...
Number of topics: 9
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